
ACLU Coalition Letter to Senate and House Judiciary Committee Leadership

Document Date: September 16, 2008

Regarding Proposed FBI Guidelines

We, the undersigned organizations who care deeply about both individual rightsand effective intelligence-gathering, are gravely concerned about reported changes tofederal guidelines that would lower the bar for the FBI’s law enforcement andintelligence investigations. We ask that you thoroughly question FBI Director Muellerthis week about the extent of these changes and convene a hearing of civil libertiesexperts to discuss the implications of the guidelines once they become public and beforethey go into effect. It appears that fundamental changes will be made in the FBI andDepartment of Justice rules that govern criminal investigations and domestic intelligencegathering, and the implications of those changes require your dedicated oversight. Wealso ask that you prevent any funding from being used to implement these changes untilthe next Attorney General has a chance to review them.

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