
NSL Documents Released by DOD

Document Date: October 14, 2007

Statistics on NSLs Produced by Department of Defense

PDF 1:
p. 1-38: NSL’s from Air Force Office of Special Investigations to credit card companies, followed by letters from the Air Force certifying compliance with the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978. (Contains the “subpoena” stamp)
p. 39: CI Investigative Tools Summary Chart (redacted except for headings)
p. 40-47: CIFA’s “2003 Legal Developments: An Overview for DoD Counterintelligence Operators”
-Summarizes significant legal events in the field of counterintelligence
p. 48: CIFA Suspense/Routing Sheet

PDF 2:
p. 49-86: CIFA Action Memo on Program Review on DoD Use of National Security Letters
p. 87-88: NSL to US Bank Custodian of Records
p. 89-91: NCIS Process for Use of NSL’s (mostly redacted)
p. 92-94: NCIS Process for Use of NSL’s (mostly redacted)
p. 95-98: Army CI Investigative Handbook – Financial Checks Excerpt which identifies portions of USC that allow the government toaccess financial records.

PDF 3:
p. 99-103: Emails (mostly redacted) – subject line = “NSLs and the SASC”
p. 104: NSL from the Department of the Army to a financial institution
p. 105: Executive Summary outlining the results of CIFA Program Review
p. 106 - 107: Continuation of Army CI Investigative Handbook
p. 108: Document outlining authority of CI agents
p. 109: Document apparently outlining the regulations regarding issuance of NSLs
p. 110-111: Redacted
p. 112-114: Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Manual: National Security Letters Exerpt
p. 115: NSL from the Army
p.116-118: NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service
p. 119-120: NSLs from AFOSI
p. 121: AFOSI Process for Use of NSLs
p. 122-127: Redacted
p. 128-134: Emails (almost entirely redacted)
p. 135-148: Redacted

PDF 4:
p. 149-177: Emails, mostly on press related to NSLs
p. 178-180: DoD Response to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Appropriations Committee – Defense Following January 2007 Briefings on National Security Letters (NSLs)
p. 181-196: Email
p. 197: Service Policy and Procedures for AFOSI
p. 198: Redacted
p. 199: Email

PDF 5:
p. 200-201: Service Policies and Procedures for Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) – rough draft
p. 202-203: Email
p. 204-226: Redacted
p. 227: email with attached NSL fact sheets
p. 228-232: Redacted
p. 233: Email
p. 234-237: Army CI Investigative Handbook – Financial Checks Exerpt
p. 238: NCIS Process for Use of NSLs
p. 239: Email on NCIS NSL Process
p. 240: Redacted
p. 241: NCIS process for use of NSLs

PDF 6:
p. 242- 297: Emails

PDF 7:
p. 298-338: NSLs from Department of the Army to financial institutions and certificates of compliance with the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978

PDF 8:
p. 339-385: NSLs from Department of the Army to financial institutions and with certificates of compliance with the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 (continued)

PDF 9:
p. 386-428: NSLs from Department of the Army to financial institutions and with certificates of compliance with the Right to Financial Privacy Act of1978 (continued)

PDF 10:
p. 429-470: NSLs from Department of the Army to financial institutions and with certificates of compliance with the Right to Financial Privacy Act of1978 (continued)

PDF 11:
p. 471-520: NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service

PDF 12:
p. 521-570: NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (continued)

PDF 13:
p. 571-619: NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (continued)

PDF 14:
p. 620-671: NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (continued)

PDF 15:
p. 672-721:
NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (continued)

PDF 16:
p. 722-771:
NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (continued)

PDF 17:
p. 772-799:
NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (continued)

PDF 18:
p. 800-849:
NSLs from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (continued)

PDF 19:
p. 850: Email
p. 851-852: Redacted
p. 853: Email
p. 854-857: Redacted
p. 858-863: Email
p. 864-867: Redacted
p. 868: Email
p. 869-870: Redacted
p. 871-872: Email
p. 873-874: Redacted
p. 875-879: Email regarding1/13/07 New York Times article.
p. 880-882: Email
p. 883-884: Redacted
p. 885: Email
p. 886-887: Redacted
p. 888: Email
p. 889: Redacted
p. 890-896: Email on communications with press
p. 897-900: Redacted
p. 901-906: Email (almost entirely redacted)

PDF 20:
p. 907-936: DOD Directive on Obtaining Information from Financial Institutions
p. 937-952: Executive Order 12333 – United States Intelligence Activities
p. 953-956: Redacted
p. 957: Table outlining NSL-related statutes
p. 958-960: Department of Defense Response to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Appropriations Committee – Defense Following January 2007 Briefings on National Security Letters (NSLs)

PDF 21:
p. 961-964:
Army CI Investigative Handbook: Financial Checks Exerpt
p. 965-967: redacted
p. 968-969: NSLs issued by AFOSI
p. 970: NSL issued by Army
p. 971-973: NSLs issued by Navy
p. 974-990: Redacted
p. 991-992: AFOSI memo on NSL statistics

PDF 22:
p. 993-1037: Redacted
p. 1038-1043: Emails addressing January 2007 New York Times articles
p. 1044-1048: Redacted
p. 1049-1051: NCIS General Administrative Message on U.S. Patriot Act

PDF 23:
p. 1052-1102:

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