6 Ways We Plan To Fight Back

6 Ways We Plan To Fight Back

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As President-elect Trump assumes the nation’s highest office, we urge him to reconsider and change course on certain campaign promises made. These include a plan to amass a deportation force to remove 11 million undocumented immigrants; ban the entry of Muslims into our country and aggressively surveil them; punish women for accessing abortion; reauthorize waterboarding and other forms of torture; and change our nation’s libel laws and restrict freedom of expression.
These proposals are not simply un-American and wrong-headed, they are unlawful and unconstitutional. They violate the First, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, and 14th Amendments. 
One thing is certain: We will be eternally vigilant every single day of this presidency. And when President-elect Trump leaves the Oval Office, we will do the same with his successor as we have done throughout our nearly 100 years of existence. The Constitution and the rule of law are stronger than any one person, and we will see to that. We will never waver.

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