Call for Investigation: Did Jeff Sessions Perjure Himself?

Call for Investigation: Did Jeff Sessions Perjure Himself?

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Following reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had contact with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the 2016 presidential campaign, the America Civil Liberties Union is calling for an investigation into whether Sessions perjured himself during his confirmation hearing. ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero issued the following statement:

“Jeff Sessions took an oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and it is now clear that he broke that oath in his confirmation hearing. If senators of both parties allow an attorney general nominee to plainly lie under oath with no repercussions, they will render our government’s cabinet confirmation process no more than kabuki theater. This matter must not and cannot be seen as a partisan issue, as it goes to the heart of the credibility of our democracy. The American people deserve a full investigation into whether Sessions perjured himself and if he is indeed fit to serve as our nation’s highest law enforcement official. No one is above the law — certainly not those sworn to uphold it.”

In his confirmation hearing, then-Senator Sessions was asked about Russia and responded at the time that he “did not have any communications with the Russians.” It has since come to light that Sessions met with Russia’s ambassador to the United States on at least several occasions. Attorney General Sessions has already agreed to recuse himself from investigations into ties between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government if appropriate.

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