
Fight for the Flag - Resources

Document Date: June 26, 2006

Veteran and Veteran Organization Statements and Letters:
Veterans Defending the Bill of Rights - Letter to the Senate
Veterans for Common Sense - Letter to the Senate
Jeremy Broussard, Army Captain and Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom - Letter to the Senate
Eric G. Eliason, Specialist - Letter to the Senate
Keith Kreul, Former American Legion National Commander - Letter to the Senate
James R. Bird, WWII U.S. Army Veteran - Letter to the Senate
Peter Buotte, veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom - Letter to the Senate
Robert Gard, Lt. General - Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Opposing Flag Amendment
Claudia Kennedy, Lt. General - Letter to the Senate
Sharon Lee Kufeldt, American Legion Post Commander - Letter to the Senate
Colin Powell - Letter to Senator Leahy (with When They Burned the Flag Back Home article by James Warner)
Veterans for Peace - Resolution Opposing Flag Amendment
John Glenn, Senator - Testimony Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Gary May - Testimony Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Bob Kerrey, Senator - Testimony Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Lawrence Korb - Testimony Before Senate Judiciary Committee
William Ragsdale, Veteran - Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Opposing Flag Amendment
Robert Cordes, USAF Maj. Ret. - Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Opposing Flag Amendment
Steven Sanderson,Veteran - Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Opposing Flag Amendment
Robert Williams, "A Tuskegee Airman Salutes the Flag"
In Their Own Words - Compendium of Veterans' Quotes

Organizational Testimony, Statements and Letters:
Dennis Archer, American Bar Association President - Testimony
ACLU - Letter to the Senate
ACLU - Reasons to Oppose the Flag Desecration Amendment
Americans United for Separation of Church and State - Letter to the Senate
Institute for Justice - Letter to Senator Hatch
People For the American Way - Letter to the Senate (6/12/2006)

Conservatives and Others Opposed to the Amendment:
Bruce Fein, Reagan Administration Deputy Attorney General - Letter to Senator Hatch
Walter Dellinger - Testimony Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Emergency Committee to Defend the First Amendment - Statement on Flag
Rutherford Institute - Statement on Flag Desecration Amendment
James Warner - Letter to the Editor, The Washington Times, "Protect the Flag"
Bill of Rights Foundation - Letter to Senator Frist and Senator Reid
Institute for Justice - Letter to Senator Hatch
Roger Pilon - Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee

Editorials, Op-Eds, and Letters Opposing the Amendment:
Washington Post - The Right to Offend
Salt Lake Tribune - Protect Ideals; Hatch Should Quit Using Flag as a Re-Election Tool - The Wrong Minefield, Gary May
Washington Times - Protect the Flag, James Warner
Los Angeles Times - Act Before Midnight Nov 7!
Detroit Free Press (Opinion) - Protect Liberties More Than Symbols
Washington Times - Congressional Hypocrisy and Old Glory, Nat Hentoff
Courier Post Opinion - Flag-Burning Amendment Shouldn't Be Passed, James Bird
New York Times - One Down, One to Go
Salt Lake Tribune - Constitution Is More Important Than A Piece Of Cloth
USA Today - Congress Nears Choice; Protect Freedom or Stoke Anger
Washington Post - Legislating Patriotism, Nat Hentoff

Other Resources:
First Amendment Center - Polling on Flag Desecration
First Amendment Center Report - Implementing a Flag Amendment

<!--> CNN/Gallup/USA Today - Polling on Flag-->

People for the American Way - Flag Amendment Talking Points
People for the American Way - History of Flag Protection and First Amendment

<!--> People For the American Way - CFA Refutation Fact Sheet-->

CRS - Report on History of Flag Protection (June '03)
Background Information
Six Reasons to Oppose the Flag Desecration Amendment
ACLU - Letter to the Senate
Quotes from Veterans
Veterans Defending the Bill of Rights (off-site link)
Additional Ways to Protect Free Speech
Letters and Resources From Organizations Opposing the Flag Amendment

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